Radix-1.1.634 for ODROID C2
Next release of Radix.Linux is available on FTP-server. Now we support the ODROID C2 board.
Читать далее ≫Radix-1.1.633 for Amlogic SoCs
Next release of Radix.Linux is available on FTP-server. Now we support the line of Amlogic SoSs: S905, S905X, and S912.
Читать далее ≫Radix-1.1.630 for Baikal-T1
Выпущен первый релиз платформы Radix.Linux для оценочной платы ТК-Т1 на базе процессора Baikal-T1, разработанной компанией «Байкал Электроникс».
Читать далее ≫Radix-1.1.620 for Khadas VIM
The first release of Radix.Linux for Khadas VIM is available on FTP server.
Читать далее ≫Minicom
Minicom is a text-based modem control and terminal emulation program for Unix-like operating systems, originally written by Miquel van Smoorenburg, and modeled after the popular MS-DOS program Telix. Minicom includes a dialing directory, ANSI and VT100 emulation, an (external) scripting language, and other features. Minicom is a menu-driven communications program. It also has an auto ZMODEM download.